Justizpalast in Wien
Justizpalast in Wien - Außenansicht
Justizpalast in Wien, Innenansicht

The Procurator General’s Office is the highest instance of public prosecutor’s offices in the Republic of Austria. In criminal proceedings, it acts not as a prosecutor but as a custodian of the law and initiator of jurisprudence.

Justizpalast in Wien
Justizpalast in Wien - Außenansicht
Justizpalast in Wien, Innenansicht

The Procurator General’s Office is the highest instance of public prosecutor’s offices in the Republic of Austria. In criminal proceedings, it acts not as a prosecutor but as a custodian of the law and initiator of jurisprudence.

The Procurator General's Office

The Procurator General’s Office is the highest instance of public prosecutor’s offices in the Republic of Austria, distinguished by its position outside the prosecution system.

Its role is not that of an investigator or prosecutor but of a custodian of the law and of a legal representative of the state with the objective of preserving the integrity of the law beyond the mere administration of criminal justice.

Leiterin der Generalprokuratur Generalprokuratorin Mag. Margit WACHBERGER
Procurator General